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There are a number of agencies within the Criminal Justice System and all of them have a commitment to ensure they help you if you have been a victim or witness of crime.

Below are some of these agencies and their roles.


  • Provide you with a crime reference number.
  • Provide you with details of the officer in case.
  • Assess your needs and refer you to support services if required.
  • Update you throughout the investigation.
  • Visit their website for more information.

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS):

  • Prosecute criminal cases that have been investigated by the Police and other investigative organisations in England and Wales.
  • Is independent, and make its decisions independently of the Police and government.
  • Their role is to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence, and to bring offenders to justice wherever possible.
  • Visit their website for more information.

Witness Service:

  • Will prepare witnesses to go to court.
  • Provide help and support when giving evidence in court as a witness.
  • Inform you what will happen after the trial.
  • Visit Witness Support for more information.

Witness Care Units:

  • Are run by Police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) staff, in joint partnership.
  • Will let you know the outcome of the trial.
  • If the defendant was sentenced, they’ll explain what this means or refer you to another organisation if you have further questions.

The Courts:

  • Are responsible for the administration of justice in England and Wales.
  • Consider the needs of victims when setting trial dates and sentencing.
  • Visit their website for more information.

The Probation Service:

  • Will (if someone is sentenced to 12 months or more for violent/sexual offences) explain the sentence to you and offer involvement in the Victim Contact Scheme.
  • Inform you about key stages of offenders’ sentence.
  • Tell you when the offender will be released.
  • Keep you informed about parole board decisions.
  • Visit their website for more information.