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University Drop-in Support for Student’s



Victim First provide drop-in sessions on campus for students of De-montfort, Leicester and Loughborough University.

Each month one of our trained caseworkers will be available on campus to provide support and advice to any student who have been victim or witness to a crime. This does not need to have been reported to the police and will be confidential.

Our caseworkers can provide support in the following ways:

✔ Emotional Support to cope and recover from the crime

✔ Information on other agencies

✔ Advice on Crime Prevention

✔ Practical support such as a personal alarm or window/door alarm

✔ Restorative contact between victim and offender


If you would like to find out more you can email Victim First at or call 0800 953 9595. You can also speak with your University Student Union/Advice service to book onto one of our sessions.

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