16 Days of Action 2020
We at Victim First believe it is important to raise awareness for the 16 Days of Action against Domestic Violence during 25th November to 10th December.
16 Days of Action campaign is aimed at businesses to support them to take action against domestic abuse and violence and as a result, Victim First will focus on raising awareness by explaining what coercive control is and the importance of recognising this.
Findings show that The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Case Information System recorded 960 offences of coercive and controlling behaviour where a prosecution commenced at magistrates’ courts in the year ending March 2018. This is a three-fold increase from 309 in the year ending March 2017. Furthermore, one study found that 95 out of 100 domestic abuse survivors reported experiencing coercive control (Kelly et al, 2014). This highlights the importance of raising awareness to help enable individuals to seek and access support.
As Controlling or Coercive Behaviour only became an offence in 2015, I decided to create and focus my infographic on coercive control to help raise awareness. My infographic displayed the legislation, the various types of coercive control and a case study that presents just one example of coercive control. Also provided within the infographic are details for local and national support services that can also offer support to individuals. This infographic will be shared across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland with partners and with the public at events surrounding the 16 days.
The infographic is also available on our website too so please feel free to download the infographic, it may help to increase understanding or even save a life.
As always, you can follow our social media pages on the following links to see what we are up to between the blog posts!
Instagram: Victim1st Twitter: @Victim1st
Thank you
Shivani – Caseworker at Victim First