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If you have been a victim or witness of crime, Victim First can help you understand your rights and support you with the information you need.

Victims’ Code

If you are an individual or business that has been a victim of crime in England or Wales, you are entitled to support from the criminal justice agencies under the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (CPV) , otherwise referred to as the “Victims Code”, even if you don’t report the incident to the police.

What are your rights under the Victims’ Code?

You are entitled to help and support if a close relative or friend has been a victim of crime and you are affected as a result. Victim First will help ensure you understand your rights:

  1. To be able to understand and to be understood
  2. To have the details of the crime recorded without unjustified delay
  3. To be provided with information when reporting the crime
  4. To be referred to services that support victims and have services and support tailored to your needs
  5. To be provided with information about compensation
  6. To be provided with information about the investigation and prosecution
  7. To make a Victim Personal Statement
  8. To be given information about the trial, trial process and your role as a witness
  9. To be given information about the outcome of the case and any appeals
  10. To be paid expenses and have property returned
  11. To be given information about the offender following a conviction
  12. To make a complaint about your Rights not being met.

You can find out more about your rights on the Government website: Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales

Help for victims

Victim First can explain what help and support you can expect from other criminal justice agencies.

This booklet from the Ministry of Justice sets out what you can expect from the Criminal Justice System if you are a victim or witness of crime. It contains information about organisations that you can contact for free advice, practical information and emotional support.

The Victims’ Commissioner website also has more information and useful guidance designed to help you at the different stages of your journey.

Other Languages

Victims’ Code Punjabi

Victims’ Code Gujarati

Victims’ Code Polish

Victims’ Code Somali

Victims’ Code Urdu