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Definition: ‘Honour’ based abuse is a form of domestic abuse which is perpetrated in the name of so called ‘honour’. In most honour-based abuse cases there are multiple perpetrators from the immediate family, sometimes the extended family and occasionally the community. Honour-based abuse can exist in any culture or community and males can also be victims.


Actions to consider

  • If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact the Police immediately by dialling 999.
  • Speak with a trusted professional; such as teacher or staff member at school.
  • There are many services; both local and national, that can provide support and information and advice such as Free From Violence and Abuse (FREEVA). See our list of useful organisations on the right side of this page.
  • Contact Us, if you are, or have experienced honour-based abuse, we are here to help. Our team of experienced and professional caseworkers can talk with you confidentially and offer guidance and support tailored to your needs.
  • To find out more Visit’ to: What is honour-based abuse? | Leicestershire Police (


Victim First can provide:

  • Information on other agencies
  • Practical support such as a personal alarm or window/door alarm
  • Advice on Crime Prevention
  • Restorative contact between victim and offender
  • Support using Language interpreters and British Sign Language interpreters