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  • Burglary is when an individual or group break into a building with the intention of stealing, hurting someone or committing unlawful damage.
  • Theft is the act of taking something that belongs to someone else with the intention of keeping it.
  • Robbery is the act of taking something by force and intimidation.


Actions to consider

  • In an emergency always call 999.
  • If personal items have been stolen ensure that you contact the relevant organisations to cancel and report the stolen items, for example; passport, bank cards, driving licence.
  • If your property has been damaged contact the relevant organisations to report the incident and get it repaired quickly, for example; insurance companies or local authority.
  • Make your home look occupied if you are going to be away for a length of time use automatic timer-switches to turn your lights and radios on when it goes dark.
  • If possible tell trusted neighbours, family or friends to check on your house if away for a prolonged period of time.
  • If you have to walk alone at night take extra care. Stay on roads that are well lit and relatively busy.
  • Avoid short cuts that involve alleyways or walking across parks or commons unless they are well-lit.
  • Be careful with your electronics; talking on a mobile phone or carrying a laptop bag shows thieves that you have something to steal.
  • Don’t carry important documents or credit cards that you do not need.
  • Contact Us, we all need support at some time or another and asking for help can be difficult, Victim First are here when you want to talk.


Victim First can provide:

  • Emotional Support to cope and recover from the crime
  • Information on and referrals to other agencies
  • Advice on crime prevention and tailored safety planning advice
  • Practical support such as a personal alarm
  • Restorative contact between victim and offender
  • Support using Language interpreters and British Sign Language interpreters