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Definition: Anti-social behaviour is a set of behaviours which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to someone not in the same household, for example graffiti, vandalism, or excessive noise.


Actions to consider

  • If you are experiencing problems with anti-social behaviour, or have any concerns about it or other community safety issues, you should contact your local Council or call the non-emergency number, 101. In an emergency, call 999. You can also report the incidents to your Registered Housing Provider.
  • Keep a simple diary with the date, time and place that behaviour happened, what you were doing at that time and how you felt.
  • If you want to report a crime anonymously, you can call CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111.
  • If the incidents are within the criteria you can request an Anti-Social Behaviour Review.
  • Contact Us, we all need support at some time or another and asking for help can be difficult, Victim First are here when you want to talk.
  • Visit Leicestershire Police for more information: Antisocial behaviour | Leicestershire Police


Victim First can provide:

  • Emotional Support to cope and recover from the crime
  • Information on and referrals to other agencies
  • Advice on crime prevention and tailored safety planning advice
  • Practical support such as a personal alarm
  • Restorative contact between victim and offender
  • Support using Language interpreters and British Sign Language interpreters